Friday, September 25, 2015

The 10-Minute Gentle Yoga Routine That Can Help You Lose Weight

1. Mountain Pose Strengthens: core, thighs Lengthens: torso, spine Start in Mountain Pose, legs and feet together, heels slightly apart, and arms at sides with palms facing forward. Keeping spine long and shoulders rolled back and away from ears, spread toes and press all 4 corners of each foot into mat. Engage thighs and lower belly. Close eyes and slowly bring hands together at heart's...

How to protect your liver if you drink alcohol

If there’s one thing that most people understand about the liver it’s that it serves as the body’s liquor control board.  When you have a glass of wine, beer or other liquor, the liver is in charge of processing this alcohol and detoxifying the blood. Yet breaking down alcohol is only one of the liver’s over 500 vital...

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Is It Bad to Do the Same Workout Every Day?

Corbis Images When it comes to working out, most people fall into one of two categories. Some love to mix it up: HIIT one day, running the next, with a few barre classes thrown in for good measure. Others are creatures of habit: Their workouts look the same—indoor cycling, weight lifting, or yoga—day after day, month after month....

The New Runner's High: How Smoking Weed Affects Your Running

Corbis Images Pot is pretty popular these days, and becoming more so every year as the push toward nationwide legalization inches forward. But while the culture and stereotypes surrounding weed are evolving, the effects of marijuana are still being studied—even as the way people are using the drug change. Consider this example: The more than 500 people recently...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fabulous Face Masks With Cocoa Powder

Cocoa powder is considered good for skin because it is rich in antioxidants. Cocoa is loaded with iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, etc. It rejuvenates dull skin and makes your skin soft, smooth, and glowing. Moreover, application of cocoa powder face masks protects your skin from sunburn. Besides, drinking flavonoid-rich cocoa improves blood flow and circulation. When...

Potato Beauty Remedies For Bleaching The Skin

Potato masks can prove to be refreshing for your skin. They have an acidic composition which aids in the natural treatment of acne. Potatoes are packed with in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin C, beta carotene, copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, choline, and various other nutrients. Moreover, applying potato slices around the eyes is considered as...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

how to cure Migraine

What is Migraine?Migraine word came to light from the Greek word hemikrania which as a matter of fact means “half of the head” comforming the very unilateral nature of headache. It’s a severe headache which is often preceded with various apprehensiveness which hint the very onset of migraine better called as prodromal signals which might occur few hours...


Ginger benefits in healing a lot more diseases beyond mere cough and cold. For instance, it is useful in curing indigestion, colic diseases, anorexia, motion sickness, joint pain, toothache, headache, etc. Usually, the rootstock of this aromatic rhizome is used, whether dried or fresh. The herb is also used for flavoring various culinary preparations. Moreover, certain varieties of tropical ginger plant is also...

Home Remedies For Yellow Teeth

What are Yellow Teeth? Teeth characterized by yellow colored stains on them are referred to as Yellow Teeth. Apart from staining, the yellow coloration could also be caused by other reasons. Lack of regular oral hygiene plays a significant role in causing Yellow Teeth. Yellow Teeth is a common and embarrassing problem that can be cured with conventional...

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The 5 Rules Of Morning Workouts

Don't start your day hating life. Launch yourself out the door and get your blood flowing with these morning workouts! Mornings are, to put it bluntly, hell for some of us. The sound of the alarm clock violently ringing in our ears rips us out of rest and puts us instantly in a bad mood. Worst of all,...
