Wednesday, September 17, 2014

10 Embarrassing Problems You Don’t Want to Discuss with Your Doctor

Yeast Infection:   Yeast infections are caused by fungi, specifically Candida albicans. While yeast is normally present in the vagina, under certain conditions it can multiply and cause vaginitis, or inflammation of the vagina, which 3 out of every 4 women will experience at some point in their lives. Much like jock itch, yeast infections can be embarrassing to discuss,...

Top 5 Foods for a Heart Healthy Diet

Fish: The name of the game here is omega-3 fatty acids. It sounds like something from the future, but it's really just a fancy way of saying that it's "good fat." Omega-3s are good for the body in many ways, but it's the heart that really reaps the benefits. They permeate the arteries and make them more flexible. This helps...

Useful Medicines to Keep At Home

Minor illness is common, especially in young children. Symptoms often begin when pharmacies are closed. Here are suggestions of some medicines that are useful to keep in the home just in case they are needed. You can buy the following from pharmacies without a prescription. Note:before taking a medicine, always read the packet label. This is for instructions on...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Walking or Cycling to Work Reduces Stress Levels: Study

Ditch the car and switch to walking or cycling says a new study that was published in the journal 'Preventive Medicine'.  According to the study, the overall wellbeing of people considerably improved after they changed their mode of travel to the workplace from driving to walking or cycling. The physical activity before office helped improve concentration and lowered...

Chikoo May Help Fight Cancer: Indian Scientists

Various studies have shown that consuming certain foods rich in antioxidants may help in preventing and fighting cancer. A new collaborative study conducted by Indian scientists at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and the Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology in Bangalore, reveals the anti-cancer properties of the sweet and succulent fruit - chikoo. Chikoo is popularly eaten in...

5 Mistakes People Make While Working Out

While following a weight management routine, working out is as important as eating right. Usually, people hit the gym thinking that it will help them tone up instantly. What one has to realize is that gyming and exercising require as much perseverance and dedication as anything else.You may be hitting the gym hard but certain habits can keep...

Four Drinks to Hydrate and Boost Performance

1. SLURPEE: flavored ice drinks lowers preexercise body temperature and increase endurance running time in the heat. 2. ICED COFFEE: Recent research showed that habitual coffee drinkers (3–6 cups/day) get just as hydrated from coffee as water. And the caffeine is an endurance-boosting bonus. 3. COCONUT WATER: Coconut water offers the same amount of rehydration as both a carbohydrate-electrolyte drink and...

Fitness Nutrition & Diet - Fat Attack

Fats have been an obsession of people in many ways. Although it is important to watch your fat intake, you should not attempt to Eliminate All Fats from your diet. You may not know it, but there are actually "good fats" and "bad fats".  Good fats. The good fats are the unsaturated fats and they are essential to your...

Good Fat Vs Bad Fat

Nowadays, more people are getting obese because of their food choices. One misconception is that assuming that eating more fatty foods are the reason for being obese. In fact, studies show that we all need fats and can’t live without them. It should be a part of our healthy diet. We just have to be more careful of...

What's the Best Way to Fight Wrinkles Now?

Let’s start with the obvious. If you smoke, cut it out. It’s giving you wrinkles. Your diet is a big factor, too. Make sure you’re eating plenty of superfoods—avocados, blueberries, and also, salmon. They’re all great for your skin. We are what we eat. If you eat a greasy-ass hamburger every day, not only are you going to...

The Causes Of High Cholesterol

Many seem to misunderstand the differences between the different types of cholesterol in the body, but they're actually quite simple to learn. The two primary types are HDL- cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein, and by its very nature, HDL is a heavy molecule. Heavy is good when it comes to cholesterol because fat generally floats and...

Pre-workout and Post-workout Tips

Without a structured balanced nutrition program, we can barely meet the body's transformation requirement to see any results. Nutrition in combination with a strength and conditioning program is the most effective way to turn your body into a fat-burning machine. It is the most productive form of exercise for functional daily life and overall health. In this section, learn some post-workout...

Vitamin A: Improve Your Health And Growth

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that supports the activities of the immune system and appears to function in maintaining normal skin health. Millions of children around the world lack Vitamin A. Each year due to Vitamin A deficiency many children are born blind. Vitamin A plays an important role in our life. Those benefits are: - It promotes...
